Showing posts with label college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Scrappy and Tara. A tale of Good and Evil, where the messenger got euthanized.

To be honest, he didn't behave differently from any other street thug caught in camera. We can see on the video how he hunted the little kid, he heard a noise, looked under the SUV and went around to face his prey.  In just seconds he established his superiority over the victim and went for it.  He was not hungry, he was not under stress, he was in his neighborhood, he knew the kid and Tara, but still he wanted to play rough.  Pets living on the same street do like humans, we look at our neighbors and profile them, Scrappy knew that Tara was serious about protecting one of hers.

Few years ago a group of teenagers, three or four, killed a homeless guy with a baseball bat, right by a strip mall and an ATM with the latest technology in video surveillance, that didn't stop them, for about 5 mins, this homeless person sitting on the floor tried with his arm to avoid the blows to his skull, unsuccessfully.

By sunrise time, the teenagers where in custody and getting bailed out by their parents.  I don't know what happened to them afterward.

This is Lila.  She's also shocked by the news.
Scrappy grabbed his little neighbor by the leg with his sharp teeth and dragged him few feet until Tara ended the game by slamming her body against Scrappy, which confused ran away home.  Hours later Animal Control took custody of Scrappy.  His family looked the other way, probably watching the line of lawyers on Stand-by to present a case against the family.  The owner of Tara and mother of the victim pleaded for the family to rehabilitate Scrappy, remember, in California there is Rehab for everything. But Scrappy's family didn't vouch him out, few hours later Scrappy was put down.  Animal Service officials said that Scrappy tried to bite some employees, according to TMZ.

So OK, Scrappy had some bad temper and a like for blood, but since when kids play on the streets?  That brings some questions about parenting.  Not only vicious dog or vicious cats are on the street, in this case the vicious cat was the good guy, I mean the good girl, What about allergies, infections, pollution, UV rays, all these dangers outside.  That tricycle? Let me check the calendar, are we in the fifties?  Scrappy knew that something was out of place on that street and tried to fix it, but of course, it is easier to condemn the big guy.

We tend to go with first appearances. The cat is the hero, the dog is evil, poor family.  That kid shouldn't have been unattended because if the Scrappy showing up is not a dog but a 6 foot high child molester, nor Tara, nor mommy, nor little victim had a chance, and probably the neighbor would have to bring Scrappy, the dog, to search for little neighbor.

Hopefully Scrappy didn't die
in vain, hopefully this family will realize that we are not in the fifties anymore and kids need supervision if they want to play outside in the 21st century.  Scrappy was just a warning. Consider yourselves warned.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Elliot was an idiot!

I remember when people with mental problems would run naked on the street, or were seeing eating their own excrement in the park.  I remember a guy who would walk around in the town where I grow up, his nickname was "gasoline", because he always had a rag with gasoline that he would smell all day long.  Some people say that he was a great mathematician, I just remember him coming into the barber shop while I was getting a haircut, sitting on the chair next to me and making funny faces to see himself in the mirror, he wouldn't bother talking to anybody.

People with mental issues now go to college, drive a BMW, make videos, post them on YouTube, buy guns, and kill others, just because pretty girls don't have sex with them and hates guys because they have a better life than them.  OK, stop with the plural.  It is "Idiot Elliot" who got the movie making genes from his dad but he didn't know what to do with them, just to make a bad movie about himself.

Privilege! White privilege.  This 22 year old white male is so upset with humanity because the good things from life are not coming his way, and in his own words "It is a crime to have a better life than me".

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.  One person who doesn't know how to deal with rejection, with no social skills, and with a sense of entitlement much more lethal than any inner city boy of a minority race.  Because if Paul Ryan lends his voice against the social welfare culture, you know, those who feel that food stamps are for the poor, so if you know you are poor you think food stamps are for you.  Likewise, a well trimmed suburbia boy, college student, very proficient in the English language, with a BMW, also thinks that pretty girls should be for him.

He goes to say that he is been in College for more than 2 and a half years and he is still a virgin.  College is suppose to be fun, a place where you experiment things and sex, he had none of that, what a crime.

Farewell videos from twisted minded people are disturbing, but listening to this idiot "last"  video, it reminded me of other people, I don't think they would really kill anybody but the fake anger and the righteousness deciding what sentence and what kind of punishment others is laughable if not just because people actually lost their lives by this idiot actions.

We as parents and as society sometimes make promises that we cannot fulfill and not everyone will take it lightly.  We tell kids to go to school to have a better future. Based on what? We tell them respect women, be a gentleman and they will appreciate it. Huh?  Let's make movies about how fun is college. Let's rate colleges for their party environment....Let's give a 22 year old a BMW with leather seats because..........I can afford it.

So, professor and idiot Elliot just gave a lecture on "White male sense of entitlement in the U.S."    for those who still didn't know what are their expectations from American society or as Idiot Elliot called it "Humanity".  Go in peace idiot Elliot, tonight, all around american colleges campuses, "humanity" will be having fun and sex, and NOT thinking about you.