Sunday, May 4, 2014


As cheesy as it sounds.  Welcome dear readers!.  I can´t help it.  I´m old fashioned and always looking to tradition, history...the past.  Because usually the present is boring, prone to changes, uncertain....The future is unknown, mostly unpredictable, not here yet, an illusion...but the past, oh! the past.  It is right there, inside my mind, immutable, stopped in time, good or bad, it is there, and it is known, static to be analyzed.  The past is not going anywhere, it enjoys being visited and talked to.  So I live in the past as much as I can.  Basically because in the past I was a kid, I was somebody´s kid, another human being had to worry about feeding me, keeping me healthy and entertained.  Now my wife does some of that, but it doesn't feel the same.  When my wife takes care of me, that happens all the time, I feel in debt, I need to willingly give her a massage, or cook for her, or both.  That happens all the time.  But well, this is just a warm welcome.  I hope you visit often and have fun with my self-deprecating stories that might prevent you from making my mistakes.


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